This summer our year 6 pupils performed an enchanting musical adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream for their parents and teachers.
The girls dazzled us with their incredible acting skills as they performed one of Shakespeare’s most famous and beloved comedies. To ensure social distancing, the performance took place outside at our (recently renamed) ‘Pavilion Theatre’ – the perfect setting for this woodland fairy-tale!
The show featured all the characters we know and love, including the marvellously mischievous Puck, and the very dramatic Bottom!
From musical group numbers to sensational solos, we enjoyed two magical nights of theatre – complete with fairy lights, camping chairs and festival bunting!
A big thank you to Mrs Thompson and Mrs Petersons for all their hard work directing the ‘players’. And, of course, well done to all our year 6 pupils, who astounded us with their enthusiasm and dedication. The course of true love never did run smooth, but the year 6 summer production certainly did!