girls walking across the school grounds
girl with paper
child playing a trumpet

Pope Francis’ Monthly Intentions

3rd October 19

For a Missionary “Spring” in the Church:

Today, a new impulse to the Church’s missionary activity is needed to face the challenge of proclaiming Jesus and his death and resurrection.

Reaching the peripheries – the human, cultural, and religious settings still foreign to the Gospel: this is what we call the “missio ad gentes”.

We must also remember that the heart of the Church’s mission is prayer.

In this Extraordinary Missionary Month, let us pray that the Holy Spirit may engender a new missionary “spring” for all those baptized and sent by Christ’s Church.

Click HERE to watch Pope Francis’ video message.

Holy Cross Prep School

Open Morning

Our next Open Morning is Wednesday 12th February or please contact us to book a private tour

We are now registering for Reception classes for 2025 and 2026. Please contact the registrar for details of any occasional through school spaces.

Our Little Sparks Pre-School, for 3–4 year old girls, is registering for final places for April 2025

“Our pre-school girls will enjoy all the advantages of our school – specialist teachers, renowned care, fabulous facilities and grounds. All in the heart of Kingston.”
– Sarah Hair, Headteacher