Categories: Spiritual Life

Holy Trinity

This week the church celebrated Trinity Sunday. ‘Trinity’ means ‘three-in-one’. God is three persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We remember that we are called to act like the Trinity – to love one another, no matter what. Some people think it’s hard to love people who are different to us. But we know that we are made in the image of God, so we are made to love one another, just like the three parts of God love one another.

This week also marks Refugee Week 2019. We should all be inspired to view all people, including those who are refugees, with love and generosity and to think of ways that we can welcome them, regardless of their differences or circumstances.

Everyone in the world is our brother or sister, regardless of their race, belief, appearance, age, ability or disability. We are all one in Jesus and called to love and welcome one another. Even when our future seems uncertain, as it is for refugees, we can take comfort in knowing that we don’t have to face it alone; God is with us through His Holy Spirit, as Jesus told the disciples at the Last Supper.


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