Categories: Spiritual Life

Holy Week

This week we followed Jesus on his final journey. This journey began on Wednesday, with Y4P leading us in a beautiful Palm Sunday service; we celebrated Jesus’ arrival (by donkey) in Jerusalem by waving our palm leaves and singing ‘Hosanna!’

On Thursday, Y6 lead us in a moving service, which re-enacted the events of the Last Supper. On this celebrated occasion, Jesus taught his disciples a new commandment, one that we still strive to follow today: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ We came together to sing the hymn ‘A New Commandment’ – the words remind us to forgive one another, respect one another, be kind to one another and love one another, just as Jesus told his disciples at His very special last meal.

A new commandment I give unto you,

That you love one another as I have loved you.

That you love one another as I have loved you.

By this shall all men know that you are My disciples,

If you have love for one another.

By this shall all men know that you are My disciples,

If you have love for one another.

Today Y6P led us in a very holy and reflective Lenten Walk, as we travelled with Jesus on the road to Calvary during the final moments of His life. We were reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that Our Lord made for us so that all those who believe in Him could have eternal life. This is the reason we celebrate His resurrection each year on Easter Sunday.

Thank you to all those involved for their hard work and efforts in making this week so special. What a wonderful way to end our spring term.


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