girls walking across the school grounds
girl with paper
child playing a trumpet

Pre-Prep Nativity Joy

3rd December 18

We were all enchanted by the three Pre-Prep Christmas plays that happened at the end of last week in school; the Christmas season has got off to a superb start!

Despite it being one of the oldest and well-known stories ever told, the girls brought a charm and magic to the Nativity tale, with the central message proclaiming the great joy and celebration of Christ’s birth…whether you are a little fir tree wondering what purpose you serve in life, or a small family of young mice looking for a home or even children deciding which game to play, Jesus brings much hope, joy and love.

The girls had learnt their lines and delivered them really well; they sang their hearts out and shone under the lights. A very big ‘Thank You’ must be extended to Mrs Petersons and Miss Scarlett for their excellent tuition and guidance of the girls to instil in them a love of singing and performing despite their tender young age; our youngest Reception performers are still only 4 years old and have only been with us a number of weeks but took to the big acting space of the hall without a backward glance – well done girls! An equally important supporting roles is played by the class teachers, teaching assistants and families at home in helping our girls practice so thank you to all involved.

It is the turn of our Juniors later this week as we see all the classes in Years 3, 4 5 and 6 perform one play; no mean feat to direct and stage over 150 girls! We look forward to the productions on Wednesday and Thursday nights and hope to see many of our families there.
