Prep School

Our vibrant junior department comprises four year groups, each with two-form entry; our small class sizes (maximum of 22 pupils) provide the perfect learning environment, with an emphasis on building confidence, relationships and key skills. Teachers work in partnership with parents, to ensure that each child receives a positive and valuable learning experience. By the time our pupils leave year 6, they are prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Year 3

Building on the skills of independence learned in year 2, the first year of the junior department encourages pupils to take more responsibility for their learning, from completing homework tasks and diaries independently, to managing their own school equipment. Pupils will also begin to self-check their work, further increasing their confidence and knowledge. Year 3 sees the introduction of Reasoning, with skills and techniques developed in class, as well as a greater emphasis on times tables.

Year 4

Year 4 sees the introduction of iPads for each pupil, encouraging them to build their independent learning skills. Pupils also have the opportunity to engage with the Accelerated Reader programme; regular library visits and comprehensive quizzes allow pupils to hone their skills and develop a true love of reading. Year 4 pupils attend a variety of exciting educational visits linked to the curriculum, including Whipsnade Zoo and a residential trip to Ufton Court.

Year 5

Year 5 pupils are encouraged to be key players in their own progress. By developing the skills required to manage effective learning, pupils participate fully in their own education journeys in the context of the wider world. The summer term focuses on preparation for year 6; pupils take part in comprehension and practice papers, building the skills they will need to complete common entrance and 11+ examinations.

Year 6

In year 6, we see the culmination of previous years’ learning, celebrated in our pupils’ achievements during the entry process to senior schools – click here to read more about the girls’ destination schools and exam preparation.

There is a focus on Building Learning Power (BLP) during year 6, which cultivates a positive culture based on healthy learning habits of curiosity, confidence and independence, both in and out of the classroom. Pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in teamwork, problem solving, creativity and communication.

During their final year, pupils take on more independence and responsibility in their school life. There are many opportunities to represent the school in leadership roles, including the School and Eco Councils, House Captaincy, STEM Pioneers, Faith and Digital Leaders, and Art Ambassadors. In addition, each year 6 pupil is paired with a reception pupil at the start of the autumn term. This special relationship provides year 6s with the opportunity to act as a big sister to their ‘little girl’ throughout the year.

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